Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hakuna Matata !

One of my friend’s facebook status read- “God draws a straight line with a crooked pencil”- How true!
The show must go on, as they say and one should be really lucky to find some ways to deal with that crookedness!

How often do we bump into someone who actually understands your random ramblings and ultimately tell you “I understand what you mean”? It is quite an ordeal for someone to really “understand” a feeling, without having experienced it. But when you hear it from a friend who have gone through every bit of it, the same way you have, it makes it exceptional.

My mind had been quite disturbed after a funeral session but found some solace during a splendid conversation with a friend, very unexpectedly. Our life is like a yarn knitted in a bunch of mundane activities, and we tend to forget to untangle the knots most of the time. An unwinding is needed at times, and it is certainly a blessing to find "that someone” who can actually relate to those outbursts, and lend you a “listening ear”. It is a wonder when you think of how we bond with numerous people we meet; At times, the friends we have known for life transform to strangers, and strangers we meet turn to friends for life.

Certain events in our lives make us pause and reflect, and we realize how truly blessed we all are, as most of us take numerous things for granted. May be it is just His way of reminding ourselves to simply thank every beautiful day given to us, for every loved one around us, for every small little thing that is gifted to us. Only when anyone of these attributes are missing, we realize its importance. So all you out there, cherish every moment we have now, live today’s’ life to the fullest, stop worrying about petty things in life, worry about tomorrow as it comes !

1 comment:

Suchi said...

Awesome juls..